Hey all. Been a while since last post. Just checking up on the CC to see what's going on. Glad to know that things are still in fine form since my last check-in. I'm having a little lull time before I start my real job. I have the FP boards coming up at the end of the month. Any ideas on study material? I have saved some of the core review questions, and thought I might pour over some of those. I don't plan on putting too much time in this, so I would like some good practice questions. I think they have practice questions on the ABFM website. I recently have had a dental procedure and am on a short course of steroids, so I could use some helpful material to study when I'm up at 3AM. Hope everything is well at the AWHEC.
P.S. (directed at Joe) Does the office still smell as sweet as it did when I left?
Flash, the ever-so-bored, about to ship the kids off to the grandparents, starting his real job 8/1 (halleluia), former AWHEC resident