Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tick bite sequel

Previous tick bite (small tick) left upper thigh, removed tick and in1-2 days had a single 1 cm x 1/4 cm ....itching mild no real pain used topical steroid....slowly improved, now almost gone.
1-2 wks later large tick in left axilla first similar red, mild itch, no real pain, about the same size as the first,  about 3-4 days later the picture shows.   Still no pain, no adenopathy, mild itch....trying steroid cream....Consult 3 physicians....2 "topical antibiotic",   1" if not better tomorrow start doxycycline "....I google searched "tick bite and skin lesions" got only Lyme disease pics.   So now any ideas suggestions let me know.

posted by joe @ 7/13/2017 12:37:00 PM   2 comments


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Clay said...

Looks like it bit you several times before settling in. I bet it's not anything serious but I have a pretty low threshold for doxy after tick bites so that's my vote.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger joe said...

Hummm, tasting me to find a "sweet spot" if so the blog should get lots of hits!


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