Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is a Varied Thrush, not native to Arkansas and according to my bird book, The SIBLEY Guide to Birds, there is no record it even visiting Arkansas.

I have several other photos of this adult male Varied Thrush.


  1. Interesting. That is what it looks like according to my guide: Reader's Digest North American Wildlife. It shows the home range in the Pacific Northwest, but does then comment that it "is a famous winter wanderer outside its normal range. This species has turned up in many unexpected places, frequently as far east as the Atlantic Coast." Very nice.

  2. He's wanderer alright but I feel sure this is his first time to Arkansas.

  3. Well I tried, but I can't contradict you there. That is a great find.

  4. Maybe you should contact an ornithologist about it.

  5. I did finally get the word to my birder friends and they went ballistic!

    They said the varied thrush has NEVER been reported in Arkansas and they will report it to The Audubon Society.

    They said they have been "looking for one for years!"

    I sent them ALL 30 pictures I took of it.

  6. for the pictures, many showing nice views of the back and sides, as well as the head-on ones which we had already seen, which we will forward directly to the records committee, and the report will credit you with finding the first record of the Varied Thrush in Arkansas (which immediately makes you one of the heavyweight birders in the state, since most of the active birders in the state have never found a new state record).

    Now get back to your feeders and find some more stuff.

  7. the above report is official now.

  8. here is official: The Rare Birds Committee has accepted the Varied Thrush report for the species to be added to the state list. The photos were completely convincing.
    I'm sure it will appear as a special note in the regional reports in American Birds.
    Varied Thrush and Golden-crowned Sparrow had been listed as species that might be expected at some time given their appearance in areas around go to work on the Golden-crowned sparrow now!
