Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A New Cult Classic: Pants on the Ground by General Larry Platt

Tonight on American Idol, General Larry Platt unleashed his new hit "Pants on the Ground".

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground, with your gold in your mouth, hat turned sideways, pant hit the ground, call yourself a coolcat, lookin' like a fool, walkin' downtown with your pants on the ground, get it up!

So sweet. The great thing to me is that in addition to the song itself just being kind of funny is that on so many levels it reminds me of another cult classic: Cut the Mullet.


  1. The one and only Wesley Willis!!!
    I like "I Whupped Superman's Ass" and "I Whupped Batman's Ass". I love the incessant repeated lyrics and the Crazy beat(Oh, sorry Wesley you were crazy).

  2. Maybe I can get on Am. Idol.

  3. Worn out ... come and take a look at the article Conversion mood ~ so what does that mean my Chinese brothers?

  4. OK, brother "happy", reveal yourself.

  5. Oh, now that is great Joe. You used Google to translate from Chinese I guess. I tried Japanese and got quite a different meaning, or at least a different series of words. Instead of Happy, I thought the commenter went by Amusing. Either way, I would be happy to explore the spammer's site based on first impressions if knew that it wouldn't cause my computer to implode in the next 30 minutes.

  6. So who's Sharon? Is she from China too?

  7. smells kind of spammy
