Morula or Raspberry ?
posted by joe @ 2/25/2012 10:41:00 AM 3 comments

The irrational yet irrestible urge to know or make known. The CC is a "club" founded by a small group of medical professionals, who have made a pastime of turning medical cases and discussions into medically irrelevant history lessons, philosophical rants, and displays of one-upsmanship. The official premise, since the "club" was named, has been to exchange and discuss various books, movies, and ideas. Sometimes we eat sushi.
I took this picture of a breakfast raspberry with my iPhone camera. I kept looking at the details, an embryological image flashed in my ancient brain. When I found a good morula (morula (Latin, morus: mulberry) image, I noticed it was a Mulberry! Pretty darn close.
Beautiful! Medicine is Biology. Biology is Life. Life is finding sustenance.
Your comment or Confucius'? Either way very deep and I am honored Papasan.
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