Saturday, January 12, 2008

Being of the "Boomer Gen" I feel I should know more about the music of the '60s and '70s. I amaze myself when I "discover" a "new" artist. But here it is I discovered Tom Waits on Rhapsody this morning and he is my "new" old favorite of the day.
I read about him on the web and could not understand how I did not know him. When my wife came strolling in for breakfast, I casually ask her if she knew Tom Waits and to my distress--she did. And now she claims she has "heard" of Beefheart.

Well, I guess my ongoing point is that Rhapsody is good and like the web, in general, it "leads" me down new avenues.


  1. I still can't get the sample of the playlist you recommended to me to open up.

    I assume that since you are talking about the sixties and seventies, you meant Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band rather than the dance song Beefheart by Ruby. I sampled them on itunes and am intrigued by what I heard and read about him. I was unable to find his most popular album according to Wikipedia, Trout Mask Replica on itunes, but I could sample the CD at Amazon.

    Tom Waits wasn't too exciting to me. By the way, I don't think I had ever heard of either of these guys before.

  2. So far I like Tom better than Capt.
