Monday, January 02, 2006

Here's to mud in your eye!

Sorry the picture is not in focus. It is hard to take a good picture when you have MUD in your eye. The story: duck hunting and my dog, Jack, splashed mud in my eye. Being in the midst of mud and muddy water, I had no way to clear my eye. I remember my bottled water and washed my eye as best I could and hunted the rest of the morning. When I came home and looked in my eye I was suprised to see the muddy meniscus, I removed it with q-tip and had no more problems. I noted that later my eye "worked" to totally clear the rest of the mud. It made me think of all the mud that other people have had in their collective eyes and how the body can remove bad things without our help.

The phrase, "Here's to mud in your eye" has several possible origins. My favorite is that it is a toast prior to a horse race by the owners--wishing that THEY win the race. Posted by Picasa


  1. I can't believe you were able to hunt with that much mud in your eye. Did it throw your aim off so much that you started hitting the birds?

  2. You are right as usual, hummm maybe I will try patching one eye or both.
